Think Before You Share

Welcome to the Google Online Safety Roadshow. We’re here to teach you a few things you need to know so you can stay safe online and enjoy all of the fun things that the web has to offer.

Think before you share!

The web connects us all and allows us to share in ways we have never before been able to. Whether through social media posts, comments or even videos we can reach friends near and far with just a click.

But what you share on the web and who you share it with can end up saying a lot about you and can become a part of your life story. You can’t control information once it’s out there in the world. What you post or send can easily be forwarded, copied, or found by other internet users including strangers or people you know who aren’t necessarily your friends.

Other people’s impressions of you can change based on what you share. And posting inappropriate information can have negative consequences you may not have considered. That can mean impacting your place on the soccer team, summer job opportunities or even one day what college you go to.

The internet is an awesome tool for having fun and making new friends. But with great power comes great responsibility. So use your power for good. You can just as easily lose friends as make them, based on how you manage your reputation online.

So don’t forget to think before you share.