Social norms in Canada

Saying Hi!

Make an attempt at small talk with people around you! The easiest way to make connections with neighbours and community is just to talk to everyone & introduce yourself!

Eye Contact

It is customary for Canadians to make eye contact with the person they are talking to, no matter their gender, age or if they are an authority figure, such as a professor or supervisor.

Say Sorry

Canadians say sorry all the time, to everyone, even if it’s not their fault, even if nothing a person does might be considered worthy of saying “sorry” - Canadians will say sorry!

Be On Time

Better be there on time! A habit that many Canadians get into is arriving 15 minutes early to a scheduled event, showing up early shows professionalism - you’re prepared and ready to work.

People expect you to be on time for work, school, medical appointments, and business meetings. You could lose your job or be suspended from school if you are frequently late. People will not wait for more than 10 - 15 minutes for someone late for a business meeting. If you are running late, make sure to contact the person you are meeting, and explain why you are late. For social events, it is expected people arrive on time, up to and no later than half an hour from the time they were invited.

Talk In A Reasonable Range With People

In North America, personal boundaries are essential, and respecting them is even more critical. Talking too close to people can throw off the person who isn’t used to it; some people view it as intimidating, while others just find it awkward. Standing too close isn’t that big of an issue - usually, people will back up to a comfortable distance if they feel you’re too close - but it can contribute to leaving a wrong impression overall when meeting someone for the first time or networking.

When Canadians go to the pharmacy, they stand at least 100 cm away from the person served at the counter. Standing any closer makes Canadians feel uncomfortable - especially in the pharmacy, people think the information they are sharing with the pharmacist is private and therefore gives a significant amount of distance between the customer being served and the person next in line.

Be Courteous On The Bus

say thank you to the bus driver when getting off the bus

Be Inclusive!

Canada is a very diverse place, with many different viewpoints and cultures mixed together. In Canada, though we may disagree with each other’s opinions or lifestyles, it is important to respect everyone regardless of your views. Discrimination or prejudice based on race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation will likely be met with hostility - Canadians strive for politeness.

Hold The Door!

Holding the door open for people is a fundamental part of good manners in Canada.

Do NOT Kiss On The Cheek

just put your hand out to shake

When introduced, Canadians smile and say, “Hello, how are you?” or “Hello, nice to meet you!” It is customary to extend your right hand to shake. To shake hands, grip the other person’s hand firmly but not tightly, and gently pump two to three times.

Personal questions

Unless you are with a friend, it is impolite to ask the following personal questions:

  • How much money do you make?
  • How much did you pay for your house/car?
  • Why aren’t you married?
  • Why don’t you have children?
  • How old are you?
  • How much do you weigh?

Public Behaviour

Loud conversations, name-calling or violence (such as spanking children) are not acceptable. Hitting or threatening another person, including family members, is against the law.


Canadians line up at bus stops, banks, stores, restaurants, markets, events, cinema etc. Canadian expect services on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is no lineup, Canadians take turns instead of pushing ahead. People will become angry if you cut into the middle of a line, instead of lining up from the back, or if you push against the person ahead of you.

Holding Hands

Men and women, young children and family members often hold hands in public. It is also acceptable for two men or two women to hold hands.

Respect the environment

Canadians are very proud of our beautiful landscape and are very environmentally conscious. It is expected people do not litter, or leave garbage in the street, on the ground, or throw litter out a car. You can be fined for littering. You are expected to put your trash in the public garbage cans available in most public places.


Smoking is not permitted in any public or workplace, including restaurants, bus or taxi shelters (indoor AND outdoor), public vehicles and washrooms. If you smoke, you are not allowed within five meters from the doorway, window or air intake of public or workplace. Ask permission before lighting a cigarette in someone’s home or car.


Volunteering is a great way to get to know the people in your community. Becoming a volunteer is a great way to build skills for future employment in Canada!