Conceptual Blockbusting - A Guide To Better Ideas

the programmer’s main problem was not so much technical as psychological: he couldn’t make progress because he was trying to solve the wrong problem. We finally solved his problem by breaking through his conceptual block and solving an easier problem. Conceptual Blockbusting by James L. Adams studies this kind of leap and is generally a pleasant prod towards more creative thinking. Although it was not written with programmers in mind, many of its lessons are particularly appropriate for programming problems. Adams defines conceptual blocks as “metal walls that block the problem-solver from correctly perceiving a problem or conceiving its solution”. - Programming Pearls, by Jon Bentley

texts below are from © Conceptual Blockbusting 4th Edition, by James L. Adams

Chapter One Introduction

We spend little time monitoring our own thinking and comparing it with a more sophisticated ideal.

Thinking form

Conceptual blocks still control us. Much of thinking is quite automatic.

The following puzzle, which originates with Carl Duncker, is taken from The Arc of Creation by Arthur Koestler.

Puzzle: One morning, exactly at sunrise, a Buddhist monk began to climb a tall mountain. A narrow path, no more than a foot or two wide, spiraled around the mountain to a glittering temple at the summit. The monk ascended at varying rates of speed, stopping many times along the way to rest and eat dried fruit he carried with him. He reached the temple shortly before sunset. After several days of fasting and meditation he began his journey back along the same path, starting at sunrise and again walking at variable speeds with many pauses along the way His average speed descending was, of course, greater than his average climbing speed. Prove that there is a spot along the path that the monk will occupy on both trips at precisely the same time of day.

Solutions to Problems That Don’t Exist

Conceptual Blocks

mental walls that blocks the problem-solver from correctly perceiving a problem or conceiving its solutions.

Once again, please do the exercises and problems. The only way you will identify your own conceptual blocks is to try activities that are impeded by their existence.

Chapter Two Perceptual Blocks

Perceptual Blocks are obstacles that prevent the problem-solver from clearly perceiving either the problem itself or the information needed to solve the problem.

One: Detecting What You Expect - Stereotyping

Context is a key element in many memory techniques.

Two: Difficulty in isolating the Problem

Three: Tendency to Delimit the Problem Area Poorly

Puzzle: Draw no more than four straight lines(without lifting the pencil from the paper) which cross through all nine dots.

the widespread nature of this block is what makes this puzzle classic.

Four: Inability to See the Problem from Various Viewpoints

Five: Saturation

Six: Failure to Utilize all Sensory Inputs

Chapter Three Emotional blocks

The Mystery of Emotion


The Humanistic Psychologists

Fear of Taking a Risk

No Appetite for Chaos

Judging Rather than Generating ideas

inability Or Unwillingness to Incubate

Lack of challenge versus Excessive Zeal

Reality and Fantasy

of Flow and Angst

Chapter Four Cultural and Environmental blocks


Humor in Problem-Solving

Reason and Intuition

Left-Handed and Right-Handed thinking

Primary and Secondary Creativity

Everybody Should Be Just Like Me

Cyber Is Better

Adria Anuzis looked at three aspects of communication, which she called
personal(same location, personal interaction),
cultural(commonalties of interest, background, and values),
cyber(interacting electronically).
she found that the most successful professional interaction made use of all three.

the best creative work comes from people who are not only electronically interconnected, but also share cultural values and interact personally in the same physical space.

Tradition and Change

Thinking Through Blocks

Environmental Blocks

Supportive Environments

Accepting and Incorporating Criticism

Autocratic Bosses


Chapter Five Intellectual and Expressive Blocks

Choosing Your Problem-Solving Language

Flexibility in Your Use of Strategies

Build up Display Simulate
Eliminate Organize Test
Work Forward List Play
Work Backward Check Manipulate
Associate Diagram Copy
Classify Chart Interpret
Generalize Verbalize Transform
Exemplify Visualize Translate
Compare Memorize Expand
Relate Recall Reduce
Commit Record Exaggerate
Defer Retrieve Understate
Leap In Search Adapt
Hold back select substitute
Focus Plan combine
release predict separate
force assume Change
relax question vary
dream hypothesis cycle
imagine guess repeat
purge define systemize
incubate symbolize randomize

The Computer

Importance of Correct Information

Expressive Blocks

Chapter Six Alternate Thinking Languages

Visual Thinking

Other Sensory Languages

Cognitive Diversity

The Problems of Specialization




Jung and the Myers-Briggs Test

Chapter Seven Kinds of Blockbusters

A Questioning Attitude

Working on the Right Problem

Time and Effort Focusers

Set Breakers

Using other People’s ideas

Crossing Disciplines

Crossing Cultures and Changing Environments

Unconscious Blockbusting



Other Paths for Freeing the Unconscious

Chapter Eight Groups

The Process


Affiliation / Ego Needs


Group Membership

Proper Support

Chapter Nine Organizations

Control vs. Creativity

The Pattern of Growth

Tradition and Past Success

Reward System and Support

Psychological Rewards

