What we do (and don't) know about the coronavirus - David Heymann - Transcript

As of the morning February 27, 2020, there were at least 82,000 confirmed cases worldwide of the coronavirus and 2,810 deaths from it. TED invited Dr. David Heymann to share the latest findings about the outbreak.

What happens if you get infected with the coronavirus?

如果你感染了新冠病毒, 症状是什么?

This looks like a very mild disease, like a common cold, in the majority of people. There are certain people who get infected and have very serious illness; among them are health workers. It’s a very serious infection in them, as they get a higher dose than normal people, and at the same time, they have no immunity. So in the general population, it’s likely that the dose of virus that you receive when you are infected is much less than the dose that a health worker would receive, health workers having more serious infections. So your infection would be less serious, hopefully. So that leaves the elderly and those with comorbidities to really be the ones that we have to make sure are taken care of in hospitals.

大多数人的症状显得轻微,就像普通的感冒。但有一些感染者,会表现出非常严重的症状,这些人中包括医护人员。对他们来说,这种感染非常严重,因为他们接触的病毒量比起普通人要高得多,与此同时,他们没有足够的免疫力。在普通人群中,大致上你受感染时接触的病毒量远低于一位医护人员所接触到的病毒量,许多医护人员会遇到更严重的感染。所以普通人若被感染,也不会特别严重,但愿如此。剩下的就是老人和患有并发症的人,他们是我们必须确保 得到医院治疗的人。

Who are the people who should be most concerned about this?


Well, the most concerned are people who are, first of all, in developing countries and who don’t have access to good medical care and may not have access at all to a hospital, should an epidemic occur in their country. Those people would be at great risk, especially the elderly. Elderly in all populations are at risk, but especially those who can’t get to oxygen. In industrialized countries, it’s the very elderly who have comorbidities, who have diabetes, who have other diseases, who are at risk. The general population doesn’t appear to be at great risk.

最应该重视此事的人,首先是那些处于发展中国家,缺少优质医疗资源,甚至可能无法前往医院的人。当流行病毒波及他们的国家时,他们需要特别注意。那些人,特别是其中的老年人,将面临高风险。 所有人口中的老年人都面临风险,尤其是那些无法得到氧气供应的人。在工业化国家,那些有并发症、糖尿病和其他疾病的老年人都面临风险。现在看来,普通人群则风险不大。

What pre-existing medical conditions put people at higher risk?


First of all, pulmonary disease existing as a comorbidity is also important. In general, the elderly are at greater risk, especially those over 70, because their immune systems are not as effective as they might have once been, and they are more susceptible to infections. In addition, in some instances in China, there’s been a coinfection with influenza and at the same time, there have been some bacterial superinfections on the pneumonias that are occurring.

首先,已患有肺病并发症的人要引起重视。总体来说,老年人患病风险是最高的,特别是 70 岁以上的老人,因为他们的免疫系统不如年轻时那样强健,所以他们更容易受到感染。而且,在中国的一些病例存在新冠和流感的共同感染,与此同时,还有肺炎上的细菌重复感染。

Where can we find up-to-date information?


The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta keeps track and has updates on a regular basis on its website. Also, the World Health Organization in Geneva, which is coordinating many of the activities going on internationally, also has a website with daily updates. It’s our responsibility to get that information as individuals, so we understand and can make sure that we can contribute in our own way to prevention of major spread.

亚特兰大的疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)会在它的网站上定期更新追踪到的疫情信息。位于日内瓦的世界卫生组织正在协调全球同时开展的许多行动,也会在自己的网站上每日更新。我们每个人都有责任 去获取那些信息,以便了解 并确知如何各尽所能 阻挡疫情的大范围传播。

You led the global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003. How does this outbreak compare?

在 2003 年,全球抗击 SARS 病毒的行动由你领导,相对而言,如何评价这次的疫情爆发?

That’s the same problem with all new infections. This is an infection that’s coming to humans who have never been exposed to this virus before. They don’t have any antibody protection, and it’s not clear whether their immune system can handle this virus or not. This is a virus that usually finds itself in bats or in other animals, and all of a sudden, it’s in humans. And humans just don’t have experience with this virus. But gradually, we are beginning to learn a lot, as we did with SARS. And you know, there are certainly a larger number of deaths than there were with SARS. But when you divide that by a denominator of persons who are infected, there are many, many more persons infected than there were with SARS. The case fatality ratio, that is the ratio of deaths to the numbers of cases in SARS, was about 10 percent. With the current coronavirus, COVID-19, it is two percent or probably less. So it’s a much less virulent virus, but it’s still a virus that causes mortality, and that’s what we don’t want entering human populations.

所有的新型感染的问题都一样。人类之前从未暴露于这种病毒之中。人类没有任何抗体的保护,现在还无法确定人体本身的免疫系统是否可以抵抗这个病毒。这种病毒一开始传播于蝙蝠或其他动物之间, 突然,它出现在了人类中。人类对它没有任何处理经验。但渐渐的,我们开始整理出头绪,就像当时面对 SARS 病毒一样。大家也知道,这个病毒的死亡人数超过了 SARS 病毒。 但是若用死亡人数除以所有感染的人数 —— 新冠感染人数也比感染 SARS 病毒的人多 —— 对比死亡率,即死亡人数和确诊人数的比例,就 SARS 而言,是 10% 左右。对于新冠病毒(COVID-19)来说, 现在的死亡率低于 2%。 所以它是一种毒性偏低的病毒,但仍是一种可致命的病毒, 我们非常不希望它进入人群中。

Have we responded adequately at border crossings, such as airports?

我们在国家边境做出的措施 还算及时妥当吗?

It’s clearly understood that airports or any land borders cannot prevent a disease from entering. People in the incubation period can cross that border, can enter countries and can then infect others when they become sick. So borders are not a means of preventing infections from entering a country by checking temperatures. Borders are important because you can provide to people arriving from areas that might be at risk of having had infection, provide them with an understanding, either a printed understanding or a verbal understanding, of what the signs and symptoms are of this infection, and what they should do if they feel that they might be infected.

我们现在很清楚的认识到,机场和其他的陆地边境并不能阻止病毒的入侵。 处于潜伏期的病患仍可以出入边境,出入国境,并在病发后传染他人。因此,若仅通过检测体温 防止病毒进入一个国家,边境限制并不算是一种防疫机制。边境非常重要,因为可以为那些来自病毒高风险地区的人们提供书面或是口头的讯息,让他们了解感染病毒后会产生哪些症状,若他们感觉自己可能被感染后,可以采取什么措施。

What’s the timeline for a vaccine?


Vaccines are under development right now, there’s a lot of research going on. That research requires first that the vaccine be developed, then that it be studied for safety and effectiveness in animals, who are challenged with the virus after they are vaccinated, and then it must go into human studies. The animal studies have not yet begun, but will soon begin for certain vaccines. And it’s thought that by the end of the year, or early next year, there may be some candidate vaccines that can then be studied for licensing by regulatory agencies. So we’re talking about at least a year until there’s vaccine available that can be used in many populations.


What questions about the outbreak are still unanswered?


It’s clear we know how it transmits, we don’t know how easily it transmits in humans, in communities or in unenclosed areas. We know, for example, that in the enclosed area of a cruise ship, it spread very easily. We need to better understand how it will spread once it gets into more open areas where people are exposed to people who might be sick.

现在我们清楚病毒的传播途径, 但我们还不知道病毒在人群中、在社区中或是在未封闭环境中有多容易传播。我们知道的是,在一个相对封闭的环境中,比如说游轮上,病毒传播得非常快。我们需要更好的理解病毒在更开放空间中是如何传播的, 特别是当人们接触到可能感染的患者时。

What about the global response could be improved?


A major problem in the world today is that we look at outbreaks in developing countries as something that we need to go and stop. So when there’s an outbreak of Ebola, we think “How can we go and stop this outbreak in the country?” We don’t think about “How can we help that country strengthen its capacity, so that it can detect and respond to infections?” So we haven’t invested enough in helping countries develop their core capacity in public health. What we’ve done is invested in many mechanisms globally, which can provide support to other countries to go and help stop outbreaks. But we want to see a world where every country can do its best to stop its own outbreaks.

当今世界上一个很严重的问题在于,当我们关注在发展中国家的病毒爆发时,我们会想到要去当地消灭病毒。当埃博拉病毒爆发时,我们想的是,“我们如何在那里阻止病毒的传播?”而不是“我们如何帮助那个国家提高整体医疗水平,以有效检测和应对感染?” 所以在帮助其他国家提高公共医疗水平方面,我们并没有进行足够的投资。我们所做的是投资全球的许多应对机制,从而为其他国家提供帮助,阻止病毒的传播。但我们更希望看到的是所有国家能尽自己最大的努力来阻止病毒的爆发。

Will we see more emerging disease outbreaks in the future?


Today, there are over seven billion people. And when those people come into the world, they demand more food, they demand a whole series of things and they live closer together. In fact, we’re an urban world, where people live in urban areas. And at the same time, we’re growing more animals, and those animals are contributing food to humans as well. So what we see is that that animal-human interface is becoming closer and closer together. And this intensive agriculture of animals and this intensive increase in human populations living together on the same planet is really a melting pot where outbreaks can occur and do occur. We will eventually have more and more of these outbreaks. So an emerging infection today is just a warning of what will happen in the future. We have to make sure that that technical collaboration in the world is there to work together to make sure that we can understand these outbreaks when they occur and rapidly provide the information necessary to control them.

今天,地球上有超过 70 亿人口。人口增长带来的是对食物和生活用品日益增长的需求,而且在生活中,人们彼此的距离会越来越近。现在的世界,是城市化的世界,大多数人住在城市地域。与此同时,我们也饲养越来越多的牲畜,这些牲畜是人类的食物来源。我们发现,动物和人类的交界也在变得越来越近。畜禽集约农业以及极速上升的人口在同一个星球上共存,这种大熔炉式的生活方式 让疫情爆发成为了可能。这样的疫情爆发还会越来越多。当今的疫情为未来将会发生什么敲响了警钟。我们必须确保世界范围内的技术合作在病毒爆发时能够帮助我们了解疫情的发展,并迅速提供必要的信息进行有效防控。

Is the worst behind us?


I can’t predict with accuracy. So all I can say is that we must all be prepared for the worst-case scenario. And at the same time, learn how we can protect ourselves and protect others should we become a part of that epidemic.


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Vue.js notes


Vue 为 v-bind 和 v-on 这两个最常用的指令,提供了特定简写

v-bind 缩写

<!-- 完整语法 -->
<a v-bind:href="url">...</a>

<!-- 缩写 -->
<a :href="url">...</a>

<!-- 动态参数的缩写 (2.6.0+) -->
<a :[key]="url"> ... </a>

v-on 缩写

<!-- 完整语法 -->
<a v-on:click="doSomething">...</a>

<!-- 缩写 -->
<a @click="doSomething">...</a>

<!-- 动态参数的缩写 (2.6.0+) -->
<a @[event]="doSomething"> ... </a>


Vue.config.devtools = true;
... new Vue({

Git branch best practices

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English Phrases With Kids

texts below are from © Common English Phrases to Use at Home & With Kids


Tidy up your room

Could you tidy up your room, please?

Make the bed

Sweetie, can you make your bed before we leave?

Get dressed

Honey, I think it’s time to get dressed – we have to go in an hour!


You have to be ready for school in… minutes!

You’re off school for a week

Isn’t it great Jenny you don’t have to get up early in the morning? You’re off school for a week!


What’s for dinner?

Who’s cooking tonight?

Put the kettle on!

Take a few more bites!

Please Harry, just take a few more bites and then you’re free to go!


Close your eyes and count till ten!

this is what you tell your kids when you’re playing “hide and seek” with them.

Want a piggyback ride?

let’s say, for argument’s sake, your daughter loves when you’re running around the house with her up on your back. Well, guess what? It’s called “piggyback” in English, and here’s how you propose the activity to your child: “Want a piggyback ride?”

Go easy on him (her)

imagine two children playing and one of them getting a bit physical with the other. It’s not really a fight situation but you’re still a bit concerned that someone might get hurt – so this is how you tell the child to calm down a bit and not be so aggressive.

That’s my boy (girl)!

this is how you praise your child for having done a great job or having shown good results in some sports game.

Common, you can do it!

are you not so sure how to encourage your child during a competition? Well, learn this phrase and use it!

You beat me again!

and this is what you’d say when your child has beaten you in some game. Well, we all know only too well that sometimes we allow our kids to beat us in order to make them feel good about themselves, so this phrase will definitely come in handy for you in such situations.


are you chasing your kids around pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf? Or maybe you’re just playing “hide and seek”? Then this is the typical exclamation you can use when catch or find someone.


It’s time to brush your teeth!

is it getting too late and it’s time for the kids to get ready for the bed? This phrase is typically used to tell them to go to the bathroom and start brushing their teeth.

Let me tuck you in!

“tucking in” is the process of putting the blanket edges in between the child’s body and the bed thus “wrapping” them tightly and making sure they feel safe and sound. And this is how you tell your child you’re going to do it: “Let me tuck you in!”

Sleep tight!

just another version of “Sleep well!”

Sleep in

“sleeping in” means sleeping longer than usually, typically it’s understood you sleep till you wake up without an alarm. Let’s say, your kid doesn’t have to get up early the following morning, so this is what you might say: “Honey, you can sleep in tomorrow, the school is off for a few days because of the bad weather!”

Time to get up!

your daughter or son will hate you for saying this, but what other option have you got? If they have to get up for school or a trip, it just has to be said!

Rise and shine!

this is an English idiomatic expression, and you use it when waking up someone in the morning. The meaning of this phrase is “wake up and feel great!”

Sleep well?

and this is how you ask the question “Did you sleep well?” in conversational English. Basically you just drop the first two words and make it shorter.


Are you warm enough?

this is what my granny always used to ask me, and it’s something you can also ask your child when you’re a bit worried if they’re dressed appropriately.

Are you hurt?

if your child, or anyone else for that matter, seems in distress and you want to make sure they haven’t gotten themselves injured, this is the right question to ask.

Where are you hurt?

this question means “Which body part is hurting?”

Where did you get hurt?

and this question means “Where were you when you got hurt?”


Be nice to your (mom, sister, etc.)

if you’re witnessing a child behaving a bit inappropriately towards someone, this is the remark you may want to use.

Where are your manners?

imagine your teenage son burping or indeed – farting – at the dinner table, for example. Now, this kind of behavior would merit a response such as: “Where are your manners?”

Don’t do that, it’s not nice!

this is what’s typically said to small children when you don’t want them to do something that’s not socially acceptable.

How dare you speak to me like that?!

if your child is verbally abusive towards you, you may be left with no other option but to say such a thing. Yes, we should stay calm on all occasions, but sometimes we also lose our cool, so this phrase will come in handy in such situations.


Hurry up!

this is a very simple way of telling someone to make it quicker.

Get ready!

“get ready” is a typical English collocation and is used to prompt the other person to ready themselves for something. It’s simple enough, but still worth learning because some of us may find it hard to use the right verb with the word “ready.”


Good job!

you can tell this to your child when he gets a good grade or made something go.

You’re doing this well!

while your child is performing a new task.

Wow! That’s a huge leap forward!

when your child improved a lot in a class or in a task

Basic English phrases

texts below are from © Basic phrases


Here are some basic English phrases which you can use in everyday conversation, as well as some common words you will see on signs.

  • yes
  • no
  • maybe or perhaps
  • please
  • thanks
  • thank you
  • thanks very much
  • thank you very much


The following are some polite ways you can reply to someone who thanks you:

  • you’re welcome
  • don’t mention it
  • not at all

Saying hello and goodbye


Here are some different ways to greet people:

  • hi (quite informal)
  • hello
  • good morning (used before noon)
  • good afternoon (used between noon and 6pm)
  • good evening (used after 6pm)


The following expressions, on the other hand, are some different things you can say when saying goodbye:

  • bye
  • goodbye
  • goodnight
  • see you!
  • see you soon!
  • see you later!
  • have a nice day!
  • have a good weekend!

Getting someone’s attention and apologising


  • excuse me (can be used to get someone’s attention, to get past someone, or to apologise)
  • sorry


If someone apologises to you, you can reply using one of the following expressions:

  • no problem
  • it’s OK or that’s OK
  • don’t worry about it

7 Making yourself understood

  • do you speak English?
  • I don’t speak English
  • I don’t speak much English
  • I only speak very little English
  • I speak a little English
  • please speak more slowly
  • please write it down
  • could you please repeat that?
  • I understand
  • I don’t understand

8 Other basic phrases

  • I know
  • I don’t know
  • excuse me, where’s the toilet?
  • excuse me, where’s the Gents?
  • excuse me, where’s the Ladies?

9 Things you might see

  • Entrance
  • Exit
  • Emergency exit
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Toilets
  • WC
  • Gentlemen (often abbreviated to Gents)
  • Ladies
  • Vacant
  • Occupied or Engaged
  • Out of order
  • No smoking
  • Private
  • No entry

Senior physicists on superstring theory


The party is over.




Sheldon Lee Glashow

It’s something that began to develop in the ‘80s, grew in the ‘90s, and today attracts many of the best and brightest physicists. It’s called superstring theory and it is, so far as I can see, totally divorced from experiment or observation. If not totally divorced, pretty well divorced. They will deny that, these string theorists. They will say, “We predicted the existence of gravity.” Well, I knew a lot about gravity before there were any string theorists, so I don’t take that as a prediction.

The string theorists have a theory that appears to be consistent and is very beautiful, very complex, and I don’t understand it. It gives a quantum theory of gravity that appears to be consistent but doesn’t make any other predictions. That is to say, there ain’t no experiment that could be done nor is there any observation that could be made that would say, “You guys are wrong.” The theory is safe, permanently safe. I ask you, is that a theory of physics or a philosophy?

There is today a disconnect in the world of physics. Let me put it bluntly. There are physicists, and there are string theorists. Of course the string theorists are physicists, but the string theorists in general will not attend lectures on experimental physics. They will not be terribly concerned about the results of experiments. They will talk to one another.

Freeman Dyson on String Theorists, Birds and Frogs

I would like to say a few words about string theory. Few words, because I know very little about string theory. I never took the trouble to learn the subject or to work on it myself. But when I am at home at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, I am surrounded by string theorists, and I sometimes listen to their conversations. Occasionally I understand a little of what they are saying. Three things are clear. First, what they are doing is first-rate mathematics. The leading pure mathematicians, people like Michael Atiyah and Isadore Singer, love it. It has opened up a whole new branch of mathematics, with new ideas and new problems. Most remarkably, it gave the mathematicians new methods to solve old problems that were previously unsolvable. Second, the string theorists think of themselves as physicists rather than mathematicians. They believe that their theory describes something real in the physical world. And third, there is not yet any proof that the theory is relevant to physics. The theory is not yet testable by experiment. The theory remains in a world of its own, detached from the rest of physics. String theorists make strenuous efforts to deduce consequences of the theory that might be testable in the real world, so far without success.

My colleagues Ed Witten and Juan Maldacena and others who created string theory are birds, flying high and seeing grand visions of distant ranges of mountains. The thousands of humbler practitioners of string theory in universities around the world are frogs, exploring fine details of the mathematical structures that birds first saw on the horizon. My anxieties about string theory are sociological rather than scientific. It is a glorious thing to be one of the first thousand string theorists, discovering new connections and pioneering new methods. It is not so glorious to be one of the second thousand or one of the tenth thousand. There are now about ten thousand string theorists scattered around the world. This is a dangerous situation for the tenth thousandand perhaps also for the second thousand. It may happen unpredictably that the fashion changes and string theory becomes unfashionable. Then it could happen that nine thousand string theorists lose their jobs. They have been trained in a narrow specialty, and they may be unemployable in other fields of science.

Why are so many young people attracted to string theory? The attraction is partly intellectual. String theory is daring and mathematically elegant. But the attraction is also sociological. String theory is attractive because it offers jobs. And why are so many jobs offered in string theory? Because string theory is cheap. If you are the chairperson of a physics department in a remote place without much money, you cannot afford to build a modern laboratory to do experimental physics, but you can afford to hire a couple of string theorists. So you offer a couple of jobs in string theory, and you have a modern physics department. The temptations are strong for the chairperson to offer such jobs and for the young people to accept them. This is a hazardous situation for the young people and also for the future of science. I am not saying that we should discourage young people from working in string theory if they find it exciting. I am saying that we should offer them alternatives, so that they are not pushed into string theory by economic necessity.

Finally, I give you my own guess for the future of string theory. My guess is probably wrong. I have no illusion that I can predict the future. I tell you my guess, just to give you something to think about. I consider it unlikely that string theory will turn out to be either totally successful or totally useless. By totally successful I mean that it is a complete theory of physics, explaining all the details of particles and their interactions. By totally useless I mean that it remains a beautiful piece of pure mathematics. My guess is that string theory will end somewhere between complete success and failure. I guess that it will be like the theory of Lie groups, which Sophus Lie created in the nineteenth century as a mathematical framework for classical physics. So long as physics remained classical, Lie groups remained a failure. They were a solution looking for a problem. But then, fifty years later, the quantum revolution transformed physics, and Lie algebras found their proper place. They became the key to understanding the central role of symmetries in the quantum world. I expect that fifty or a hundred years from now another revolution in physics will happen, introducing new concepts of which we now have no inkling, and the new concepts will give string theory a new meaning. After that, string theory will suddenly find its proper place in the universe, making testable statements about the real world. I warn you that this guess about the future is probably wrong. It has the virtue of being falsifiable, which according to Karl Popper is the hallmark of a scientific statement. It may be demolished tomorrow by some discovery coming out of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.

Roger Penrose

he calls string theory a “fashion”, quantum mechanics “faith”, and cosmic inflation a “fantasy”.

So when I heard that string theory – to which I had been distinctly attracted, partly because of its early use of Riemann surfaces – had moved itself in the direction of requiring all those extra spatial dimensions, I was horrified, and far from being tempted by the romantic attractions of a higher-dimensional universe. I found it impossible to believe that nature would have rejected all those beautiful connections with Lorentzian 4-space – and I still do.
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe

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After opening a minified file in the “Sources” tab, you can click the brackets logo in the lower left corner of the file, and DevTools will “prettify” the code.

Alt + Up / Alt + Down

When debugging CSS, you can select a property and use the up/down keys to tweak it’s value. By default, the arrow keys adjust values by +/- 1. However, by holding the alt key, you can use the arrow keys to adjust values finely in steps of 0.1, which is particularly useful when working with fractional values.

Conversely, you can hold shift to adjust values in steps of 10.

Preserve Log

Preserve log is a checkbox that lets you persist logs between page refreshes.
When this option is enabled, a new type of “Navigation” log appears in the console to show page refreshes or navigation events to different pages.

Network + Log Filters

Code Coverage

go to the “Coverage” tab. Press “record” and then start using your app. When you’re done, Chrome will show you the exact code that ran during your session.

Quick file switching

Ctrl + P

Search source code

Ctrl + Shift + F

Go to line number

Ctrl + O

entered :375:18 to go to line 375, column 18.

Copy image as data URI (base64 encoded)

In the Network panel click on an image and then right click on it to have the option to Copy image as data URI.

hard refresh

A hard refresh is a way of clearing the browser’s cache for a specific page, to force it to load the most recent version of a page.

  • Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button.
  • Or, Hold down Ctrl and press F5.
  • just open the Chrome Dev Tools by pressing F12. Once the chrome dev tools are open, just right click on the refresh button and a menu will drop down. This menu gives you the option of doing a hard refresh, or even clearing the cache and do a hard refresh automatically.

Firefox Developer Tools

View browser style

Browser Styles consist of two types: the default style a browser assigns for every element, and the browser-specific styles (the ones with the browser prefix).

  1. Developer > Inspector.
  2. Click the “Computed” tab in the right section.
  3. Check the “Browser styles” checkbox.

Hide CSS style from the page

To remove any CSS style (inline, internal or external) applied on a webpage, just click on the eye symbol of the listed stylesheets in the “Style Editor“ tab. Click it again to revert to the original view.

hard refresh

  • Hold the Ctrl key and press the F5 key.
  • Or, hold down Ctrl and ⇧ Shift and then press R.


