
The gap between the best software engineering practice and the average practice is very wide—perhaps wider than in any other engineering discipline. A tool that disseminates good practice would be important. — Fred Brooks

The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God. — Euclid

“Stop being so negative, Steven!”, “Why do you always assume the worst?”, “You’re such a ‘glass half empty’ person, Steven.”

那又怎么样,我也可以,谁都可以,问题是你真的召唤的时候,它们会来吗? - 莎士比亚,《亨利四世》,第一部分

I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Why, so can I, or so can any man; but will they come when you do call for them? - SHAKESPEARE, KING HENRY IV, Part I

GLENDOWER: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
HOTSPUR: Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them?

William Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part 1


只能根据过去判断将来。 - 帕特里克·亨利
然而永远无法根据过去规划将来。 - 埃德蒙·伯克
I know no way of judging the future but by the past. - PATRICK HENRY
You can never plan the future by the past. - EDMUND BURKE

普遍的做法是,选择一种方法,试试看;如果失败了,没关系,再试试别的。不管怎么样,重要的是先去尝试。 - 富兰克林 D. 罗斯福
It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. - FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

Donald Knuth 曾经指出,“提前优化是万恶之源”。
“premature optimization is the root of all evil,” as Donald Knuth once put it

Cliff Click expressed the same sentiment this way:
Premature optimization is the root of all evil is more true today than ever before.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst

Fear not the future ,Weep not for the past

Men are judged by what they do

There is no time like the present

We are all slaves of opinion

Practice is the best master

The language of truth is simple

A man must take the consequence of his own deeds

Great hopes makes great men

Life is short and time is swift

Example is better than precept

Practice what you preach

Practice makes perfect

Easier said than done

It is never too late to mend

Look not too high, lest something fall into your eye.

Plain living and high thinking

A good heart conquers ill fortune

A little body often harbors a great soul