git init
会将当前目录直接转换为 Git 工作目录并在此处创建的 .git(隐藏)目录中创建存储库。
Show the working tree statusgit status
git status 有助于跟踪已添加的更改、未添加的更改以及更改所在的分支。
查看尚未暂存的文件更新了哪些部分git diff
直接将远程镜像克隆到本地仓库git clone
查看远程仓库git remote -v
从远程获取最新版本到本地git fetch origin master
比较本地的仓库和远程参考的区别git log -p master.. origin/master
switch branches: git checkout
switch branches with new branch created: git checkout -b
view branches: git branch
add files: git add
file1 file2
commit: git commit -m
没有使用git add到暂存区
git checkout – filename
已经git add到暂存区
git reset HEAD filename
git add & git commit 之后
git reset commit_id
这个id是你想要回到的那个节点,可以通过 git log
Configure your DVCS username for commits
git config --global
git config --global
git config
git config
git stash
git stash list
git stash apply
git stash apply stash@{1}
orgit stash apply stash@"{1}"
git stash drop stash@{0}
orgit stash drop stash@"{0}"
git stash save "message"
git stash pop stash@{1}
orgit stash pop stash@"{1}"
pop vs apply
- pop : Remove a single stashed state from the stash list and apply it on top of the current working tree state
- apply: Like pop, but do not remove the state from the stash list.
git checkout --track
Branch newsletter set up to track remote branch newsletter from origin.
Switched to a new branch ‘newsletter’
git checkout
git clone --depth
1 url
Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the latest commits.
rename branch
git branch -m main
del branch
delete local branch
git branch -d
branch_namegit branch -D
The -d option stands for –delete, which would delete the local branch, only if you have already pushed and merged it with your remote branches.
The -D option stands for –delete –force, which deletes the branch regardless of its push and merge status, so be careful using this one!
delete remote branch
git push origin --delete
git diff
pom.xmlgit diff
branch1 branch2 – file
Unable to clone Git repository due to self signed certificate
git config --global http.sslVerify false
Git Pull Vs Git Fetch
git fetch really only downloads new data from a remote repository - but it doesn’t integrate any of this new data into your working files. Fetch is great for getting a fresh view on all the things that happened in a remote repository.
Due to it’s “harmless” nature, you can rest assured: fetch will never manipulate, destroy, or screw up anything.
git pull, in contrast, is used with a different goal in mind: to update your current HEAD branch with the latest changes from the remote server. This means that pull not only downloads new data; it also directly integrates it into your current working copy files. This has a couple of consequences:
- Since “git pull” tries to merge remote changes with your local ones, a so-called “merge conflict” can occur. Check out our in-depth tutorial on How to deal with merge conflicts for more information.
- Like for many other actions, it’s highly recommended to start a “git pull” only with a clean working copy. This means that you should not have any uncommitted local changes before you pull.
keep a git branch in sync with master
1 | git checkout master |
1 | git checkout master |
git reset --hard
HEAD@{1} : if you’re feeling the moxy and haven’t done anything else
git reflog
git log
git log path
git cherry-pick master
list conflicted files
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
force git pull to overwrite local files
1 | git fetch --all |
Force git stash to overwrite added files
git checkout stash -- .
github fork sync
1 | git remote add upstream |
analyze metadata
ordered list of authors by commit count
git shortlog -sn
git shortlog -sn --no-merges
checkout any branch and overwrite local changes
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/abranch
git checkout $branch
Changing a commit message
change the most recent commit message
git commit --amend
change GitHub default branch from master to main
git config –global init.defaultBranch main